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Kids Love Treasure Hunting Think back to when you were a kid. Do you have some memories of hunting Easter Eggs? Do you have some memories of “discovering” what candy you had in your sack after Halloween? Do you remember the excitement of opening presents at Christmas? Did you ever get with your friends and go on “treasure hunts?” Perhaps you heard a story of a buried chest of bank robber’s loot? Perhaps it was a pirate treasure? Or, like in my case, the Lost Dutchman Mine.
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Garnet Ghost Town, Montana Treasure Hunting Season is Here! Summer starts, and so do the Treasure hunts Get those books, maps, and supplies to find the treasures you seek, and get out there and start your hunt. Because... Labor Day is only... ...days away!We've teamed up with to bring you a better shopping experience. Same great titles. Same great service. ![]() ![]() ![]() Click on a book... take a closer look
These are just a few of our many titles for your lost treasure research
Books make great gifts! They're inexpensive; They don't wear out; They don't take batteries; and They can start anyone on a great hobby of Treasure Hunting, Gold Prospecting, Ghost Town Hunting or Metal Detecting!
and check out our to you just for making a purchase. Privacy & Shipping Statements and Policies Don't know what to get that Treasure Hunter, Gold Prospector, Ghost Town Hunter, or Metal Detectorist? Send a and let them choose whatever they want!
Do you like to prospecting for gold, metal detecting for coins, hunting ghost towns, or other treasure hunting hobbies?
Your hobby is under assault!
Don't just sit back and let some paper-pushing bureaucrat with an environmentalist agenda close down yet another area...your your hobby.
Treasure Hunting Supplies and Equipment you can buy now from our Affiliate Partners
We affilate with several partners to bring you high quality Treasure Hunting supplies and equipment.
These affiliates include CampingMaxx, Eastern Mountain Sports, Field Supply, Banggood, and KellyCo.
We hope you find the Treasure Hunting Supplies and Equipment you are looking for to ensure your success and enjoyment of your hobby. |
Stories of Buried Treasures and Hidden Wealth
Bring the fascinating world of Treasure Hunting to your family this year.
Summer opens up more Treasure Hunting Adventures!
Animas Forks, Colorado Ghost Town
Old maps can be a great help in researching Treasure stories.
And no matter what your passion is... Rocks & Gems.......... ...........Gold & Silver Fossils & Shells.......... ..........Coins & Relics Ghost Towns & Near Ghost Towns Or just plain Good Times with Friends & Family...
...Click Here, cause now is the time to plan and research your next Treasure Hunting Adventure.
Stories of Lost Mines and Buried Treasures
Ghost Towns
Lots of good websites and good info. Environmental Extremist Organizations Trivia Question What is the "Spot Elevation" at the indicated point on the map? Click the Picture for the Answer Click to Learn More
A Draw is a minor terrain feature that also starts at high ground, but is carved into the side of the hill by water and erosion. The draw can be defined as having high ground on three sides and low ground on one side. The draw runs downhill in between two fingers. The contour lines form "V's" that point uphill. Once again, notice that the V's of the draw are the same V's we talked about when discussing determining uphill and downhill using contour lines.
Maps and Land Navigating Accessories you can buy now from our Affilitate Partners
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