Burt County, Nebraska Ghost Towns For These and More Great Books Know of good ghost town locations? Email them to us and you and your club will receive full credit!
17 miles north of Blair "...The first that I will tell you about is Arizona, it is located between Decatur and Tekamah along the Missouri River. I doubt if anything remains but a cemetery. It was an Indian trading post in the 1800's." Submitted by: Nancy Dyer Thanks, Nancy. Look at the map and there seems to be quite a lot left. Arizona Nebraska at one time was a fairly lively community. My Great Great Grandfather built a small shop there where he built something called a Kohler Roller. Used to roll the corn after planting. I don’t know if the foundation is still there but it was up until about 10 years ago. My grandmother lived there up until about that time. My mother grew up there and went to school about 3/4ths of a mile from here home. There is still a cemetery there where I have relatives buried. I use to walk among the graves quite often and knew that family that took care of it. Wishing you all the best in your searches. Laura Thanks Laura
In The Hills Between Lyons and Decatur Submitted by: Nancy Dyer Thanks for another good ghost town lead Nancy.
Located along the Missouri River 4-5 Miles south of Decatur In the 1800's and early 1900's it was a huge resort that brought in a lot of money. Submitted by: Nancy Dyer Many Thanks to Nancy for three great ghost towns.
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