Compass Page 5
There are two basic ways to hold the compass when you want to use it. One way is called the "STEADY HOLD METHOD." Using this method you can continue to read the compass while moving. The second method is called the "GUNSIGHT METHOD." This method is used to determine the exact azimuth to a particular object or spot. Correct technique is using these methods can make the difference between reaching your desired destination and missing it by several miles.
The steady hold method is used when you want to follow a particular azimuth for a distance. It can be used during the day and at night. Use the steady hold method as follows:
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This method is very useful in heavy vegetation conditions, rugged terrain when sighting far objects is impossible, and at night, however it does take getting use to. Also, both hands must be kept free.
The Gunsight Method is used when an exact azimuth is desired. An exact azimuth is needed when determining Intersection, Resection (more on these later) and plotting objects or terrain features. The Gunsight Method is performed as follows:
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As an example on how this method is used, let's say you need to go a distance on an azimuth of 88 degrees magnetic. Using the gunsight method, adjust your body position until 88 degrees is directly under the index line. Look up though the vertical line in the cover at an object (hilltop or other terrain feature, particular tree, or some other object) that is exactly at 88 degrees magnetic. Keeping this object in sight, you can walk toward this object and be sure you are still on 88 degrees magnetic. You do not have to keep looking through the compass. Once you reach this object you will have to re-sight another object. Repeat the procedure until you reach your destination.
Each of these methods are more useful than the other in some situations. Both should be mastered before they are needed. Practice is the only way to learn how to use a compass properly.
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