Fremont County, Wyoming
Lost Treasure
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The Soldier's Lost Ledge of Gold is thought to be located somewhere in the vicinity of Badwater Creek.
More information can be found in
Guide to Treasure in Montana-Wyoming
Butch Cassidy is said to have cached $70,000 near the town of Crowheart. May also be located in Sublette County.
Buried Treasures You Can Find
Stage coach robbery loot is said to have been buried near the robbery site of the Birdseye Stage Station.
Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of Old Wyoming
Old Ike's Lost Mine is said to be located near the town of Lander.
A cache known as "The Oregon Trail Cache" is buried somewhere on Sweetwater Creek in the Antelope Hills.
The town of Miner's Delight is thought to be the location of several buried caches of residents long past.
The Lost Cabin Main is located somewhere in the high mountains of the Wind River Range. May also be in Sublett County.
Buried Treasures of the Rocky Mountain West
Ella Watson cached $50,000 near her saloon-cabin located in or near the Sweetwater River area before she and her husband were hanged for rustling. It has never been recovered.
A deposit of high-quality Jade is said to be located in the Antelope Hills.
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