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How to Use a Map

Page 10

Topographic Symbols

Red is used to depict hard-surfaced roads, such as highways and interstates. The road shown on the map will accurately follow the course of the road on the ground. 


The exact symbol used to depict the road will vary depending on the size of the road. Regardless of whether the road is solid red or a red & white dashed line, it is still a hard-surfaced road.

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Along the road, at various intervals, the road's highway number will be shown, including interstates.

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Some roads are shown as a white line outlined with two narrowly parallel black lines. These roads are improved roads, and are most probably paved, but can also be well maintained dirt roads.


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Unimproved Roads are dirt roads that are not routinely maintained. They may be roads that are graded in by private citizens, or originally built by the County, but no longer maintains it. Most often, this road is good enough for car traffic, however, this is not always the case. Further investigation of an unimproved road is warranted before venturing off into the wilderness with a car. 2x4 and 4x4 trucks should have no problems.

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Trails are shown as a single dashed line. The trail may be a 4wd trail or a foot trail. On most maps it will be designated as one or the other, but exceptions do occur. 


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