If you don't think the Federal
Government is pushing to own ALL of the west...
Protecting Private Property Rights from Regulatory Takings
of Roger Pilon
the Subcommittee on Constitution February 10, 1995
"Uncompensated regulatory takings of private property have become an immense problem across the nation. As federal, state, and local regulations have increased in number and scope, property owners have increasingly found themselves unable to use their property and unable to recover the losses that result." Go to the Source
Private Lands in Private Hands Coalition
Testimony by Chuck Cushman, Coordinator
Resources Committee
12, 1999
and Reinvestment Act (HR-701)
"Yosemite National Park in California-----76 year old James Downey, a survivor of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, was threatened with condemnation in 1971 because he wanted to add a bathroom. He had no tub and had a double size septic tank and there was a covered breezeway under which the bathroom was to be built. There would be no new land coverage. The Park Service said what he was doing was an incompatible act and he would be condemned. They came back to him two weeks later after realizing their political insensitivity and said that if he would sell them his home, they would lease it back to him and then it would be OK to build his bathroom. Was the goal to stop the bathroom or buy the house?" Go to the Source Project Summary:Fieldstone Wetland RestorationRussell L. Kaiser -
Project Manager "The proposed project is to restore wetland function to the Fieldstone property, a privately held parcel in the northwest corner of the Bolsa Chica Lowlands.Residential housing, planned for Bolsa Mesa, will increase human intrusion as well as the abundance of domestic dogs and cats which prey on native birds, small mammals and reptiles. Because the Fieldstone property is owned by a land developer, the site may be developed for residential housing. If the property is developed it will lose almost all of its wildlife value and will introduce urban elements into the Bolsa Chica Lowlands." Go to the Source
To: PFUSA members, supporters and friends
Make sure your senators understand
that CARA:
Threatens vested water rights Threatens the economic stability of county governments and vital local services for taxpayers (by removing land from local tax rolls and placing an added burden on remaining landowners). Authorizes funding to non-governmental organizations of the type which have fought private property rights and open access. Because of its enormous cost, could deplete the federal “surplus” and threaten important programs. Threatens to lock out not just natural resource producers, but also recreation enthusiasts, from CARA-condemned and purchased lands.