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Trinity County, California

 lost treasures


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  • The Lost Grizzly Bear Mine is located near the headwaters of the Trinity River.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    A Guide to Treasure in California

  • A cache of poker winnings of Lt. Jonas Wilson are located near the southwestern corner of Trinity County.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    A Guide to Treasure in California

  • A copper can of gold, valued at about $125,000, is buried near Canyon Creek.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    A Guide to Treasure in California

  • $50,000 in gold belonging to a man named Davenport, is buried near Davenport's Bar.

    More information can be found in

    A Guide to Treasure in California

  • $40,000 in gold from a robbery is buried on Trinity Mountain near the Trinity-Shasta County Line.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    A Guide to Treasure in California

  • Ten stone bottles of gold are said to be buried in the Big Flat area, near the Trinity River.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    Buried Treasures You Can Find

    Grandad had a story about a mine that had to be shut down at the start of WWII. He and another local were working a mine drift for a company. They had just discovered a rich vein of ore when the company told them to shut it down. They didn't mention the find, figuring they'd go back later. The company went out of business, Dad got involved in war work, time passed, the war ended, but someone had bought the property and built a house on it. House is still there, owners have come and gone without anyone knowing what is in the ground. This is at Del Loma.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    Submitted by Francine Mezo, Marza Luna Jewelry (Great Looking Jewelry)

Thanks Francine, Mark

Well . . . . Here's another one--In the 1800's, a couple of guys robbed another of his gold. This was at Big Flat. They were afraid of being caught with it, and fled on the trail that leads from Big Flat to the North Fork (Helena). Not too long after, a priest went to hear a dying confession from one of the robbers. He told the priest that they had buried the gold along the trail where an oak leaned out toward the river. I'm assuming there were others present, because word got around and a search ensued. No one found it. Dad said he had followed the trail but couldn't find an oak--or any other tree--that fit the description. The gold was supposed to be worth $5000. Figure maybe half (or less) because of the hopeful inflation of the searchers, and it would be worth quite a bit even on today's market, which has seen the price of gold go down.

  Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

Submitted by Francine Mezo, Marza Luna Jewelry (Great Looking Jewelry)

Thanks Francine, Mark


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