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Reptiles, Amphibians, and Nematodes (Worms) Weather Predictors

For centuries, insects have been used to foretell weather. Here is a selection of of those observations.

  • Large numbers of toads crawling out of their holes indicates rain coming. 

  • Warbling frogs sing rain approaching.


  • Frogs singing in a cold rain are singing that warm weather approaches.


  • Tree frogs singing during a rain indicates the rain will continue.


  • Fog in the fall, no snow at all.

     Submitted by Mary & Dwight Alward



  • Snakes hunt before a rain, and disappear after.

  • Snakes and their trails can be found near houses before a rain.


  • Earthworms rise before a rain.



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Insects Reptiles Fish Birds Domestic Animal

Do you know of any folk lore used as weather predictors?

If so, email us the saying and it's interpretation and you and your club will get full credit.